Saturday, August 21, 2010

Aboutindo:Basic Guide Travel to North Sumatra

Yesterday I had to make postings Aboutindo: Guide Guide travel to Aceh. Now I am making a simple guideline Batak people familiar with the city. Hopefully by posting this time can be used as a guide you visiting northern Sumatra.

History of North Sumatra
North Sumatra capital of Medan has. The province is inhabited by a nation wither. Because since 2000 BC people wilt have been here. Around the year 775 AD, North Sumatra, including in the territory of Sriwijaya. In the 16th century, in Tapanuli emerged a kingdom that was founded by descendants Sisingamangaraja, namely the Kingdom of the Batak. Dutch entry to make the people fight for the Dutch took all the local Batak people. The famous hero of the hobo is Sisingamangaraja XII.

North Sumatra Traditional House 
Batak houses called "House of Bolon", rectangular and sometimes inhabited by five to six Toba Batak traditional family. House based function can be differentiated into the house that used to shelter the family called "ruma", and the home used as a storage (barn) is called Sopo. The materials consisted of a wooden building with large pillars and solid. Or side wall of the board, also from the floor while the roof from palm fiber board. Typical Toba Batak traditional houses is a form of a curved roof and the eaves of the front side

Aboutindo:Basic Guide Travel to Aceh

The first time I will be visiting the province of Aceh. I will provide information about the province. If you travel to Aceh then you can make this blog as a basic guideline. 

Aceh's history
Aceh is the most western "Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia". The majority of the population of Aceh is the religion of Islam. Therefore Aceh is often called the "Serambi Makkah". Number of people of Islam in Aceh since ancient times there is a kingdom "Samudra Pasai." Samudra Pasai is the largest Muslim empire of its time. Kingdom was founded by Sultan Merah Silu, who later converted to Islam and changed its name and the title of Sultan Malik al-Saleh, or better known by the name of Sultan Malikussaleh as the first king who ruled the year 1267 AD - 1297 AD, around the 13th century. On December 26, 2004, Aceh was hit by a huge disaster. Tsunami disaster. The tsunami killed thousands of people. But now Aceh has recovered again. 

Aceh Traditional House
Acehnese house called Rumoh Aceh. Rumoh Aceh is home to the stage with a pole between 2.50 to 3 meters high, consists of three or five rooms, with one main room, called propagation. Rumoh Aceh showed expression of one's faith in god and nature of adaptation. Although only made of wood, leaf thatched roofs, and do not use nails, Rumoh Aceh can survive up to 200 years.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Reason For this Blog

I accidentally created this blog to show my love for Indonesia. As well as to commemorate the 65th Independence I love this country. With this blog I want to show the world that there is one country which is called "Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia”. The state has abundant natural wealth. Countries that have diverse ethnic and language but united by one language is Indonesian. Country stretching from Sabang to Merauke and from east to ketalaud. Countries who appreciate the sense of humanity. "Indonesia" which means the Islands of the Malay Archipelago. This shows that the Indonesian state is a combination of the island - a united island. 

This blog will also provide information about Indonesia's culture. This was done so that culture will never be taken. I hope through this blog I can introduce to the world that the unitary Republic of Indonesia it is a beautiful country, eligible for visited and attractive. I will try to give all the information about Indonesia. Whether in food each region, clothes, custom house, music equipment and the latest information about Indonesia. This is all because of my love for my country "Republic of Indonesia." 

"Dirgahayu Indonesiaku"