The first time I will be visiting the province of Aceh. I will provide information about the province. If you travel to Aceh then you can make this blog as a basic guideline.
Aceh's history
Aceh is the most western "Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia". The majority of the population of Aceh is the religion of Islam. Therefore Aceh is often called the "Serambi Makkah". Number of people of Islam in Aceh since ancient times there is a kingdom "Samudra Pasai." Samudra Pasai is the largest Muslim empire of its time. Kingdom was founded by Sultan Merah Silu, who later converted to Islam and changed its name and the title of Sultan Malik al-Saleh, or better known by the name of Sultan Malikussaleh as the first king who ruled the year 1267 AD - 1297 AD, around the 13th century. On December 26, 2004, Aceh was hit by a huge disaster. Tsunami disaster. The tsunami killed thousands of people. But now Aceh has recovered again.
Aceh is the most western "Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia". The majority of the population of Aceh is the religion of Islam. Therefore Aceh is often called the "Serambi Makkah". Number of people of Islam in Aceh since ancient times there is a kingdom "Samudra Pasai." Samudra Pasai is the largest Muslim empire of its time. Kingdom was founded by Sultan Merah Silu, who later converted to Islam and changed its name and the title of Sultan Malik al-Saleh, or better known by the name of Sultan Malikussaleh as the first king who ruled the year 1267 AD - 1297 AD, around the 13th century. On December 26, 2004, Aceh was hit by a huge disaster. Tsunami disaster. The tsunami killed thousands of people. But now Aceh has recovered again.
Aceh Traditional House
Aceh has many types of traditional clothing. This is influenced by existing levels of social status in society so that didn't have a lot of custom clothing. But it is now customary clothing worn only if there is a marriage course.
Aceh music instrument
Aceh music instrument that I know of only four namely Serune Kale, Gendang, Canang, and the Rapai.

2. Serune Kalee is a traditional wind instruments like Clarinet Aceh is mainly found in areas of Pidie, North Aceh, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat. This tool is made of wood, the small base and at its end to resemble a large funnel. At the base of the retaining lip discs are made of brass blowers called perise.
3. Canang are traditional percussion instruments contained in the group of people in Aceh, Gayo, Tamiang and Alas.
4. Rapai is a kind of traditional musical instrument of Aceh, as well as a drum. Meeting made of hardwood (usually from the stems jackfruit), which after then given a rounded hole in the middle.Wood which has been given this hole called baloh. Baloh is larger at the top of the bottom. The top covered with goat skin while the bottom is left open. Voltage regulator clamps the skin or the skin is made of rattan wrapped with leather.
Aceh Traditional Dance

That's what I can give about "Travel to Aceh". I will provide other information about Aceh. I can not give that information as well as too long. However, little information can be used as a simple guideline, if your "visit to Aceh". Hopefully you can continue to visit this blog to find information about other areas as well.
nice info gan.. submit ke web ane gan...
ReplyDeletemakasih gan.Cuma pengen sharing. oke gan.Ane submit ke web agan.Mohon traffiknya gan ya. hehehehe